"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone: a new life has begun!"

Corinthians 5:17

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Arise, and Climb The Mountain - Transformational Trek Study Guide by Sharon Eleanor Todd
#1 New Release Christian Pastoral Counseling! - Transformational Trek

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Each lesson is packed with stories, questions, and insights and your journey will involve: 

My friends, the hard stories you have endured will not be wasted. As you follow Christ up the mountain, He will help you grow in faith and restore your hope. As God takes you deeper into the Adirondack wilderness, you can trust the Holy Spirit to guide you, one step at a time. Remind yourself daily, when God doesn’t move your mountains, He gives you faith to climb them. Are you ready? Let’s go!
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“The Transformational Trek Study Guide began in me a deep desire to amend my life and walk with Jesus, more closely. I recommend this study to anyone who has the desire to embrace a radical transformation and to follow Jesus Christ with boldness, courage and authenticity. Take this journey, climb your mountains, ask God to…

Lisa L.

“Arise, and Climb the Mountain” is the eloquently written exploration of God’s provision through Sharon’s own life experiences as well as the truths gleaned through her encounter with Him one morning in the mountains. This illustrative story, written alongside further elaboration of the truths of the gospel and accompanied by a Scripture-centered study guide, provide…

Lynn W.

This is an uplifting book; it is an inspiration and encouragement. Sharon Todd is taking you through the journey of life in the wonderful environment of the Adirondacks and lake Titus. She teaches you how to fight your mountains in Jesus Christ and find peace, harmony, and joy in Him.

R. Casundo

“What a powerfully written book- it was just the encouragement that I needed! Sharon brings the truth of scripture in such an approachable, encouraging, and challenging way. It is a must read for anyone feeling stuck in the face of life’s challenges (and aren’t we all at times?)! Arise and Climb the Mountain will encourage…

Carolyn M

“Sharon has a way of gently guiding a person, at any season in their lives, to Gods Word, for encouragement, for hope, for guidance and for truth to cope with any stumbling blocks we may come across as disciples for Christ. One could almost feel her gently hand on their shoulder nudging them towards Gods’…

L. Lickwar

“Arise and Climb the Mountain is an amazing book! I have been struggling with my faith for the past 2 1/2 years due to the loss of my son. Scripture has been quoted perfectly in conjunction with the author’s experiences. It was food for my spirit. It was an easy read with powerful words. I…

Mirtica A

“The book is an easy read, yet full of depth, heart, and transparency. It is powerfully vulnerable and full of hope. Sharon’s openness fosters our openness, and her reflections inspire us to reflect and not to deflect. When we are honest with ourselves and God about where we are at, we can then get past…

J. Brennan

Fantastic! Shifting between her love of nature and of God, Todd conveys powerful illustrations of inspiration and self-reflection through dynamic prose. Her ability to shift from the personal to the natural to the divine challenges the reader to ponder his relationship with the natural world and has convinced this reader to spend a week in…

Michael G.

Taught me to persevere through difficulty

Jenn E

“Sharon thoughtfully brings us on a spiritual adventure through the picturesque Adirondacks as she guides us through her own faith journey of pain and joy. It is a refreshing workout for the mind and soul!”

Jill L

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