"The heavens declare the glory of God: the skies proclaim the work of His hands."

Psalm 19:1

Sharon Todd

Hey, I'm Sharon!

I’m so glad you are here! Join me on a faith adventure into the breathtakingly beautiful Adirondacks Mountains. You will discover a peaceful place where you can grow in your faith, be encouraged, and move forward with a hopeful purpose. 

Let's Start  the Journey...

My Story

Hey, I’m Sharon and I’m excited to introduce you to the stunning beauty of the Adirondacks Mountains in upstate New York. My family has deep roots in the Adirondacks which goes back over four generations, and our camp at Lake Titus is a special part of that history. The Adirondacks have been a place of renewal for my family and inspiration for my writing for over 20 years.  I am passionate about empowering people to grow in faith and experience renewed hope, healing and purpose. Over the years, I have worn many hats in ministry including serving in hospitals, universities, urban churches, short-term missions, zoom meetings and on hiking trails. 

"Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you."

Isaiah 60:1

Your Story

When I’m hiking in the mountains, gliding down the lake in a kayak, or just sitting on the dock watching the sunrise, I am in awe of God and His artistry in His spectacular creation all around me. I’m looking forward to taking you on an adventure of faith in the Adirondacks. First, read my story in Arise and Climb the Mountain, and then the Holy Spirit and I will guide you through your own story in the Transformational Trek Study Guide. Are you ready? Put on your hiking boots and join me on an adventure.

My Story, Your Story, and Taylor's Story is part of God's Story

We all have regrets over bad choices, and we long for a second chance. Well… there is a way! Christ laid down his life to die on the cross for our sins, so we could be set free. His sacrifice allowed us to become new creations in Christ, but we need to believe the truth of the gospel and be willing to follow Christ as our Lord and Savior. Let me share with you the story of Taylor, who took a transformational trek to new beginnings.  We can all relate to her story. 

Trail Map to New Beginnings

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“Sharon thoughtfully brings us on a spiritual adventure through the picturesque Adirondacks as she guides us through her own faith journey of pain and joy. It is a refreshing workout for the mind and soul!”

Jill L

“Arise, and Climb the Mountain” was an example of God’s perfect timing in my life. He knew that I needed a book to minister to me during the trials of life. Sharon’s book is an inspiration to those who may have lost hope or are in the thick of a trial. I loved how transparent…

Denise P

We live in a world of broken people whom God is longing to bring hope, forgiveness healing and redemption to. Sharon shared her experiences in a very relatable way. After reading this book you will no longer have to wonder if God can help someone rise above their low places and struggles. Sharon’s book is…

Julie B.

Sharon’s faith and love for God speak to all readers in her novel. Sharon allows her audience into her past to view her exposed heart which was one of disappointment, heartache, and deep betrayal. Sharon demonstrates how she prayed, trusted, and obeyed God in the toughest of times. She drew closer to God in search…


As a bible study group, we were blessed to be some of the first people to read and pray through her book. I dove in and read it front to back in 3 days. It is a journey for the senses. If you are a person who likes to place yourself in the scene of…


Love this book! I am a pastor of a church in the Adirondack Park, and I can say that this book is not only spiritually encouraging, but it is also culturally accurate! Sharon Todd takes you on a journey with her writing, not just to deeper places of faith as her journey impacts you, but…


The Transformational Trek Study Guide is a useful tool for any Christian seeking to be an active disciple of Christ. Sharon supplies a bounty of materials to teach, guide, and reinforce learning while preparing readers for discipleship. Shared personal testimonies transition readers into the guided material. Scriptural references aid readers with memorization and application. Supportive…

H. Scudder

“The book is an easy read, yet full of depth, heart, and transparency. It is powerfully vulnerable and full of hope. Sharon’s openness fosters our openness, and her reflections inspire us to reflect and not to deflect. When we are honest with ourselves and God about where we are at, we can then get past…

J. Brennan

“The book is very meaty for the believer and yet approachable for the non-believer. Sharon bridged that well. Her steady spiritual insights kept me invested in the book.”

Ryan S

“Arise, and Climb the Mountain” is the eloquently written exploration of God’s provision through times of hardship and narrative of author Sharon Todd’s experience with Him in a unique yet incredibly ordinary way, and the lessons gleaned from this experience. It is a testament to God’s faithfulness to meet us exactly where we are. This…

Emma W

Need prayer?

The New Beginnings Trail Map will help share how to have a personal relationship with Christ.