"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me."

Jeremiah  29:11-13 (NLT)

Arise And Climb The Mountain

Try to imagine sitting with me on the dock during the early morning hours with a Bible, journal, and a cup of coffee.

Arise, and Climb the Mountain is an opportunity to join Sharon on her inspirational faith journey of discovering renewed hope and purpose. With the beautiful Adirondacks as a backdrop, Sharon recounts God’s love and faithfulness on her trek through life’s mountainous terrain. Be encouraged and equipped to conquer your own mountains with powerful Biblical truths and the Holy Spirit as your guide. 

Group Sales and special discounted codes can be used at the Redemption Press Store only.

"Jesus blazes a trail through the thick forest and lights the path that we should follow. He is with us always, and He reminds us of His unfailing love and limitless strength."

Sharon Eleanor Todd, Arise and Climb The Mountain

Arise, and Climb The Mountain - Transformational Trek Study Guide by Sharon Eleanor Todd
#1 New Release Christian Pastoral Counseling! - Transformational Trek

Arise, And Climb The Mountain: Transformational Trek Study Guide

Are You Ready to Go on a Faith Adventure?

Now is the time for you to climb the intimidating mountains in your life. Jesus will help you release your worries and fears and embrace a new chapter of joy, hope, and purpose.  

Group Sales and special discounted codes can be used at the Redemption Press Store only.

Sign Up for Your Free Transformational Trek

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“This book shows us how we can bring our burdens (mountains) to the Lord and let Him take care of them. It is a matter of faith and trust. This is a “masterpiece” that everyone should read.”

Rosie C

“Sharon has a way of gently guiding a person, at any season in their lives, to Gods Word, for encouragement, for hope, for guidance and for truth to cope with any stumbling blocks we may come across as disciples for Christ. One could almost feel her gently hand on their shoulder nudging them towards Gods’…

L. Lickwar

Sharon Todd has penned an inspirational and self-reflective look at how one’s journey through life and one’s journey with God intersect and overlap. As a fellow lover of nature and adventures, I enjoyed this heartfelt and spiritual appreciation of our world’s majestic beauty. Personal examples as well as biblical passages complement the advice and insights.…

Elizabeth B.

A wonderfully written book full of biblical encouragement! This book is full of encouragement for anyone wanting to grow in their faith during their own trials and struggles. Sharon’s vulnerability and honesty are so refreshing! Sharon shares beautiful, biblical wisdom for growing your faith, in whatever circumstances you are in, as you persevere through all…


This book is a deep soul-searching adventure not only for the author but also the reader. Clearly the Spirit was with her every step up the mountain, and down every winding trail. Clothed in HIS Armor, Sharon was guided through life’s pitfalls as she focused only on one thing! Following God’s path! I’m honored to…

Sue S

As a bible study group, we were blessed to be some of the first people to read and pray through her book. I dove in and read it front to back in 3 days. It is a journey for the senses. If you are a person who likes to place yourself in the scene of…


Arise and be blessed! This special book will truly be a blessing and ministry to those who read it. Sharon’s deep and mature faith is evident as she shares how the Lord has faithfully walked with her along her own life journey. Through the challenges of hiking her personal “mountain,” you will be encouraged and…

Laura G.

“Sharon thoughtfully brings us on a spiritual adventure through the picturesque Adirondacks as she guides us through her own faith journey of pain and joy. It is a refreshing workout for the mind and soul!”

Jill L

“Arise, and Climb the Mountain” was an example of God’s perfect timing in my life. He knew that I needed a book to minister to me during the trials of life. Sharon’s book is an inspiration to those who may have lost hope or are in the thick of a trial. I loved how transparent…

Denise P

We live in a world of broken people whom God is longing to bring hope, forgiveness healing and redemption to. Sharon shared her experiences in a very relatable way. After reading this book you will no longer have to wonder if God can help someone rise above their low places and struggles. Sharon’s book is…

Julie B.
The Summit Signature Collection

The Summit Signature Collection

I am super excited about the new "The Summit" collection!! I guarantee you will love the fragrance as it will remind you of the sweet air of the Adirondack Mountains.

Favorite Things

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My Favorite Beeswax Candles:
Natures Scent Co.
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Johnathan Esper
My Favorite ADK Card Shop: Mary Ballou Bousquet
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Favorite ADK Ice-Cream Shop: Donnelly’s Ice-Cream
Favorite ADK Ice-Cream Shop:
Donnelly’s Ice-Cream