Testimonial by Marilyn C

“This book is for everyone. Whether you’re a hiker or not (and I’m not), there are powerful images that resonated with me, challenges that I also faced, and accounts of surmounting life’s hurdles. Beautifully written, easy to digest, and insightful from beginning to end. The perfect companion!”

Hear What Others Have to Say

“Carpets of pine needles, sparkling rocks, sun-splashed ridges, and clean mountain scents prompted me to sneak my feet into Sharon’s hiking boots during her mountain climb. I was drawn to the challenge, and I wanted to hike up with her to see what the outcome would be. As Sharon stripped off layers and revealed raw…

Holly S

“You meet people where they are emotionally, and you guide them on how to overcome the mountains in their lives. This book and study guide inspires, motivates and is transformational.”

M. Collins

The Transformational Trek Study Guide is a useful tool for any Christian seeking to be an active disciple of Christ. Sharon supplies a bounty of materials to teach, guide, and reinforce learning while preparing readers for discipleship. Shared personal testimonies transition readers into the guided material. Scriptural references aid readers with memorization and application. Supportive…

H. Scudder

“The book gives hope to the reader, knowing we are not alone. It gives instruction to the lost, spiritually blind, and depleted. Rest-assured, if you trust and believe in God’s promises in His Word, you can climb any personal mountain in your life through the power of the Holy Spirit.”

M. Aldave

The book is so readable and profound yet straightforward so that even a new believer will gain a clear understanding of God’s love, forgiveness, and plan for our lives.

Donna O

“This book shows us how we can bring our burdens (mountains) to the Lord and let Him take care of them. It is a matter of faith and trust. This is a “masterpiece” that everyone should read.”

Rosie C

We live in a world of broken people whom God is longing to bring hope, forgiveness healing and redemption to. Sharon shared her experiences in a very relatable way. After reading this book you will no longer have to wonder if God can help someone rise above their low places and struggles. Sharon’s book is…

Julie B.

I really needed these words of truth that are balm yet full of piercing conviction too. The way you write makes everything so personal and fosters deep self-reflection with a Godly perspective. Love, love, love it! And so scripture rich, Hallelujah!

Jeannette B

As a bible study group, we were blessed to be some of the first people to read and pray through her book. I dove in and read it front to back in 3 days. It is a journey for the senses. If you are a person who likes to place yourself in the scene of…


This book is very inspiring! You have a feeling of victory even if all your problems are not resolved according to all your prayers. In in the end, you know that everything works together for the good of those who love God. He will never forsake you or leave you. He loves us unconditionally and…

Deborah A.

Let me begin by saying, my life is better for being blessed by our Lord to call Sharon Eleanor Todd my sister in Christ. Sharon is a warrior for God. She is ever mindful to always point the Glory to God. It is woven in her soul to walk with Christ throughout her life. Sharon…


“The depth of Sharon’s faith shines through”

J. Earnest

This book is inspiring and beautiful. Sharon takes you on a journey through the Adirondack mountains as she listens, trusts, and seeks God.  I was spurred on in my personal journey with being reminded of God’s faithfulness and to continue to be expectant in His love.

Traci K.

“Arise… is a spiritually up-lifting book that is a must read. Reading the book and completing the study guide brought me to a deeper level of faith. It helped me recognize the times when I thought I was alone that God was always there to keep me on the right path in my journey with…

S. Sexton

“Sharon has a way of gently guiding a person, at any season in their lives, to Gods Word, for encouragement, for hope, for guidance and for truth to cope with any stumbling blocks we may come across as disciples for Christ. One could almost feel her gently hand on their shoulder nudging them towards Gods’…

L. Lickwar

This book and it companion Transformational Trek Bible study was such a blessing to our small group! Sharon’s transparency about her struggles and the way God’s word through scripture carried her through was incredible!

D. Przystawski

Are you looking for a transformational book and study guide to help you, a loved one or someone whom the Great Counselor, The Holy Spirit is leading you to walk with during this season of life? Arise, and Climb the Mountain is a great resource that Sharon has written to allow the reader to find…

L. Wetjen

“Sharon thoughtfully brings us on a spiritual adventure through the picturesque Adirondacks as she guides us through her own faith journey of pain and joy. It is a refreshing workout for the mind and soul!”

Jill L

“The Transformational Trek Study Guide began in me a deep desire to amend my life and walk with Jesus, more closely. I recommend this study to anyone who has the desire to embrace a radical transformation and to follow Jesus Christ with boldness, courage and authenticity. Take this journey, climb your mountains, ask God to…

Lisa L.

“The book is very meaty for the believer and yet approachable for the non-believer. Sharon bridged that well. Her steady spiritual insights kept me invested in the book.”

Ryan S

“Arise, and Climb the Mountain” was an example of God’s perfect timing in my life. He knew that I needed a book to minister to me during the trials of life. Sharon’s book is an inspiration to those who may have lost hope or are in the thick of a trial. I loved how transparent…

Denise P

This book is a deep soul-searching adventure not only for the author but also the reader. Clearly the Spirit was with her every step up the mountain, and down every winding trail. Clothed in HIS Armor, Sharon was guided through life’s pitfalls as she focused only on one thing! Following God’s path! I’m honored to…

Sue S

This is an uplifting book; it is an inspiration and encouragement. Sharon Todd is taking you through the journey of life in the wonderful environment of the Adirondacks and lake Titus. She teaches you how to fight your mountains in Jesus Christ and find peace, harmony, and joy in Him.

R. Casundo

Sharon Todd has a beautiful way of sharing her trial through life with her love of the Lord and His words. Her writing brings you along her journey as if you are hiking alongside of her. Each chapter gives Hope and Faith that with God in your Heart and Soul, you can move impossible obstacles.…

Susan S.

Sharon Todd has penned an inspirational and self-reflective look at how one’s journey through life and one’s journey with God intersect and overlap. As a fellow lover of nature and adventures, I enjoyed this heartfelt and spiritual appreciation of our world’s majestic beauty. Personal examples as well as biblical passages complement the advice and insights.…

Elizabeth B.

“Arise and Climb the Mountain is an amazing book! I have been struggling with my faith for the past 2 1/2 years due to the loss of my son. Scripture has been quoted perfectly in conjunction with the author’s experiences. It was food for my spirit. It was an easy read with powerful words. I…

Mirtica A

“The book is an easy read, yet full of depth, heart, and transparency. It is powerfully vulnerable and full of hope. Sharon’s openness fosters our openness, and her reflections inspire us to reflect and not to deflect. When we are honest with ourselves and God about where we are at, we can then get past…

J. Brennan

It is clear to the reader that the author is sincere and transparent. Her love for Jesus is beautiful and “contagious “. I will recommend this book to everyone that will listen. Great work, Sharon!! Give us another book, please!!

Teri W.

This book is so encouraging, and reminds us that God is always with us, and always for us, no matter what we do. And it is so interesting to hear how God worked in the author’s life, often in very unexpected ways. I also felt that it has just the right amount of scripture. This…

Kristin K.

Taught me to persevere through difficulty

Jenn E

A wonderfully written book full of biblical encouragement! This book is full of encouragement for anyone wanting to grow in their faith during their own trials and struggles. Sharon’s vulnerability and honesty are so refreshing! Sharon shares beautiful, biblical wisdom for growing your faith, in whatever circumstances you are in, as you persevere through all…


“When I read the book, tears kept flowing and yet at the same time gave me goosebumps because it was an affirmation to me how deeply God loves me and has used everything in my life to draw me to Himself, to teach me about His character and faithfulness and so I can share my…

Lisa W

“Arise, and Climb the Mountain” by dear friend Sharon Eleanor Todd blessed me in an amazing way. It affirmed how much God loves me, that I don’t need to travel through this life alone as He is with me always and will never leave me behind. Jesus fills every page of the book with His…

Teresa P

Sharon’s faith and love for God speak to all readers in her novel. Sharon allows her audience into her past to view her exposed heart which was one of disappointment, heartache, and deep betrayal. Sharon demonstrates how she prayed, trusted, and obeyed God in the toughest of times. She drew closer to God in search…


Fantastic! Shifting between her love of nature and of God, Todd conveys powerful illustrations of inspiration and self-reflection through dynamic prose. Her ability to shift from the personal to the natural to the divine challenges the reader to ponder his relationship with the natural world and has convinced this reader to spend a week in…

Michael G.

“What a powerfully written book- it was just the encouragement that I needed! Sharon brings the truth of scripture in such an approachable, encouraging, and challenging way. It is a must read for anyone feeling stuck in the face of life’s challenges (and aren’t we all at times?)! Arise and Climb the Mountain will encourage…

Carolyn M

“Arise, and Climb the Mountain” is the eloquently written exploration of God’s provision through times of hardship and narrative of author Sharon Todd’s experience with Him in a unique yet incredibly ordinary way, and the lessons gleaned from this experience. It is a testament to God’s faithfulness to meet us exactly where we are. This…

Emma W

I loved the way this story was beautifully woven and written together. You can feel not only her authenticity, but her sincere heart for Jesus as she describes His presence and power in her life. A MUST read!

Angela T.

“What a magnificent story! One minute I am reading the Bible and the next I am reading a love story, the next a manual for survival, the next a devotional and then I’m reading a comedy. Thank you, Sharon, for writing this book and sharing it with all of us. It is such a beautiful…

Debi A

Love this book! I am a pastor of a church in the Adirondack Park, and I can say that this book is not only spiritually encouraging, but it is also culturally accurate! Sharon Todd takes you on a journey with her writing, not just to deeper places of faith as her journey impacts you, but…


Arise and be blessed! This special book will truly be a blessing and ministry to those who read it. Sharon’s deep and mature faith is evident as she shares how the Lord has faithfully walked with her along her own life journey. Through the challenges of hiking her personal “mountain,” you will be encouraged and…

Laura G.

“Arise, and Climb the Mountain” is the eloquently written exploration of God’s provision through Sharon’s own life experiences as well as the truths gleaned through her encounter with Him one morning in the mountains. This illustrative story, written alongside further elaboration of the truths of the gospel and accompanied by a Scripture-centered study guide, provide…

Lynn W.